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BWNA Policy Statement

​These policies are subject to change at any time by majority vote of the Board.



1) Priority is given to agenda items related to Beaumont-Wilshire & vicinity, BWNA per se, and the neighborhood association system in general. This priority policy also applies to guest speakers at monthly meetings and BWNA Newsletter content. Guest speakers may include incumbent officeholders, but in the case of political candidates and/or ballot measure advocates, if one is invited, then competitors are invited, too.


2) The agenda may include proposed policy resolutions, be they internal to BWNA or external in support of a policy affecting not only Beaumont-Wilshire residents, but residents in other neighborhoods as well. Political endorsements are off limits.


3) The agenda may include a proposed Good Neighbor Agreement with a business within Beaumont-Wilshire boundaries, the purpose of which is to establish and implement mutually agreed upon expectations for the good of the neighborhood. Signed by the BBA President and the owner of the business, compliance is voluntary.


4) The President disseminates a proposed agenda draft to the Board via e-mail, providing members adequate time for feedback and suggested revisions. The final draft is disseminated to the community via the BWNA website and social media no later than a week prior to the meeting. At the meeting, Board members have an opportunity to request inclusion of additional agenda items prior to approval vote.




1) In the event that the President, Vice President, and Immediate Past President are unable to attend a Board, General, or Special Meeting, an At-Large Board Member volunteer is approved by the Board to chair the meeting. In the absence of the Secretary, an At-Large Board Member volunteer is approved by the Board to take meeting minutes. In the absence of the Treasurer at a Board or General Meeting, the Chair presents the Treasurer’s Report based on data submitted by the Treasurer.


2) The Chair conducts meetings via the following simplified Robert’s Rules of Order:


a) Upon a motion made by a Board member, the Chair asks if there is a second to the motion by another Board member. Without a second, the motion dies. If there is a second, the Chair opens the motion for discussion, then to a vote by the Board.


b) A Board member may request that discussion be ended and a vote be taken by simply saying “Question”. The Chair then asks for a Board vote on the request. If a majority is not in favor, discussion continues. Time constraints may require the Chair to unilaterally end discussion and proceed to a vote (or to table the matter).


c) A Board member may offer an amendment to a motion. If the person who made the motion agrees to the amendment, then discussion proceeds on the motion as amended. If the person who made the motion does not agree to the amendment, discussion commences on the proposed amendment, then to a vote. If the amendment passes, discussion proceeds on the motion as amended, then to a vote.


d) At any time during the meeting a Board member may ask the Chair for clarification on meeting content or procedure by saying “Point of Information”.


e) The Chair decides if voting is to be by hands raised or by voice (ayes, nays).


f) The Chair is responsible for maintaining meeting decorum—i.e., hands raised to participate, discourse respectfully civil. Due to time constraints and number of participants, the Chair may opt to set a time limit per comment /question or may opt to direct participants to submit comments/questions in writing addressed to the Board and/or guest speaker (submissions read aloud by the Chair as time permits).

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