BWNA Board Meeting
Mon, Sep 14
|Zoom Meeting
Please join the BWNA Board for our general meeting where will discuss ongoing issues affecting the Beaumont-Wilshire neighborhood.

Time & Location
Sep 14, 2020, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Zoom Meeting
About the Event
Topic: BWNA Board Meeting
Time: Sep 14, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 926 6805 6751
Passcode: 219665
BWNA Board of Directors’ Meeting Agenda
September 14, 2020, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Online Meeting– Hosted on
Meeting ID: 926 6805 6751
Password: 219665
Excused Absences:
1) 7:00 – 7:05 Welcome and Introductions (Tim Gillespie)
2) 7:05 – 7:20 Meeting and Association Governance
a. Approval of tonight’s meeting agenda (Tim G.)
b. Approval of August 10, 2020 General Meeting minutes (Tim G.)
c. Treasurer’s report (Karla)
d. Vote on filling vacancy of BWNA President’s position
e. Discussion about filling the now-vacant BWNA Vice President position
3) 7:20 – 8:00 Ongoing Projects and Committee Reports
a. Any information on further status of projects on hold during coronavirus: National Night Out, Neighborhood Clean Up, Stairs Cleanup, New Neighbor Welcoming Project, other projects (Anyone with news)
b. Brief report from new Transportation Committee (Chair John, Gary, Tim G.)
c. Report from new Communications Committee (Chair Rich, Andrew, Al)
and discussion about the processes and protocols for getting BWNA
information posted to our website, email subscribers, CNN calendar,
Next Door Beaumont-Wilshire and Beaumont Village, etc., how to
respond to posts and comments, and how to keep the website updated.
d. Report on efforts to address issues of discrimination, equity, and inclusion
in our neighborhood and discussion of possible next steps (Tim G.)
e. Friends of Wilshire Park Update (Gary)
f. Newsletter Update (Al)
g. Central Northeast Neighbors Update (Barb)
4) 8:00 – 8:15 Future-Focused Discussion Topics
a. Possible ways to expand participation in BWNA and generate interest in
open BWNA Board positions
b. Decision on topic for October 12 General Meeting.
5) 8:15 – 8:25 Other Items
6) 8:25 – 8:30 Upcoming Events, Final Announcements